Hangiri・hangiri oke
- 【English】
- Hangiri, hangiri tub
- 【Japanese】
- 半切・半切桶
A handy tub used at various stages of the sake-making process, coming in sizes varying from 140-360l. The traditional wooden kind look as if they were made by cutting a barrel in half, hence the name hangiri (literally, “half-cut”). Nowadays, they are almost always made of aluminium or stainless steel.
Depending on what they are used for, they may be given one of the following names.
- Moto hangiri (酛半切). Used at the moto tate stage.
- Mizu hangiri (水半切). Used to hold water for mashing.
- Tere hangiri (テレ半切). Used in traditional pressing. It is placed underneath the funnel used to pour the moromi into saka-bukuro in order to catch spills.
- Arai hangiri (洗半切). Used when washing smaller brewing tools.
- Zatsu hangiri (雑半切). Used for washing cloths and other miscellaneous bits and pieces.

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