Shubo tanku・moto-oke・moto-oroshi・tsubo-dai
- 【English】
- Shubo tank (moto tank)
- 【Japanese】
- 酒母タンク・酛桶・酛卸・壺代
Various names for the vessels used when making shubo. Originally wooden, but nowadays, enamel and stainless steel tanks are used. Most contain about 600-700l, but modern increases in scale mean much larger-sized batches are also sometimes made in tanks with cooling equipment attached. Daki-daru hot-water containers and electric heaters are used when heating the mash.
In cases where tanks around 700l or so are used for purposes other than making shubo, they are still sometimes referred to as “moto oroshi tanks”, sometimes shortened to simply moto oroshi.

shubo tanku